That old saying “the more, the merrier’ was certainly true at the December Turkish Cooking Class at TCCNY with a sold out, full house.
The menu consisted of “Cigarette Pastry” which is a popular Turkish appetizer of Feta cheese and parsley stuffed filo pastry, rolled into a tubular shape. Guests enjoyed the hands on part of making these delicious appetizers. The mouth watering main course of chicken and vegetables served on a bed of rice, proved extremely popular with the attendees and the dessert of ” Kings Delight” (“Sultan Sarma” in Turkish), was a huge hit too – it might be a little time consuming to make, but it is relatively easy, and so worth the effort.
It is always so nice to see people from all walks of life and from so many different ethnic backgrounds and faiths getting together at these classes, sharing a meal and having pleasant conversations togeher. Our cooking classes are selling out rapidly and the January class is already full, with the scheduled February class almost at capacity also.
Our thanks again to AtlasGlobal for their generous sponsorship which allows us to offer these classes at such a bargain price.
